Easter Egg Fillers That Aren’t Candy!

Easter Egg Fillers That Aren’t Candy!

We love Easter egg hunts! Sure, it’s easy enough to just stuff them with some candy, but what if you want a better option? If you’re looking for Easter egg fillers that aren’t candy, you’ve come to the right place! I love candy as much as the next person, and I don’t begrudge my kids…

Easter Basket Ideas For 2 Year Old Toddlers
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Easter Basket Ideas For 2 Year Old Toddlers

Filling an Easter basket for a two-year-old can be a little challenging. They’re at that magic age where an Easter basket starts to be fun and exciting. On the other hand, two is also pretty young. You don’t want to give a toddler five pounds of candy or toys with small pieces (hello, choking hazard!)….

Fun & Easy Easter Egg Craft for Preschoolers and Toddlers
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Fun & Easy Easter Egg Craft for Preschoolers and Toddlers

Besides a basic coloring book, this is probably the easiest Easter egg craft for kids. It’s simple, requires no additional supervision (no glue, scissors, other sharp objects), and aside from the contact paper, no unusual materials. We typically do this at home, but it could also make a great Easter craft for preschool or Sunday…

Easter Bible Verses for Kids – Free Printable Memory Verses
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Easter Bible Verses for Kids – Free Printable Memory Verses

Celebrating Easter with kids is such a fun experience. There’s Easter baskets to fill, crafts to complete, and so many more Spring festivities. But how do you keep your kids’ focus on the spiritual significance of Easter and the Resurrection? Practicing and memorizing easy Easter Bible verses for kids is a great way to make…